Thursday, September 16, 2010

First Impressions of San Juan Island

After four days on the island several words come to mind.

Money Lots of it all over this place.

Green Lots of green trees, grass

Water Everywhere. You cannot drive very far in any direction without seeing it.

Whales Orcas They swim close by in the Haro Strait and the Strait of Juan de Fuca

Cost of Living High, High, High Everything on the island has to come by ferry.

Gas is high, Food is high, home prices are ridiculous

Shopping is strange.

There are only three places to buy fuel on the island. Two in Friday Harbor one block apart and owned by the same guy and (they tell me, but I haven't seen it) one in Roche Harbor. Two food markets in FH both owned by the same outfit. One is on teh main street and basically for the tourists and one is on a back streeet and for the locals because it does not even have a sign on the outside of the building with a name on it.

Restaurants and businesses are tucked here and there around the town and the island it seems with the understanding that if you want them bad enough you will search for it.

There are about 6000 residents on the island, with the population doubling in the summer. So there is a small town feel here. Most people know each other.

Like everywhere there are plenty of real estate signs to see as you drive around. Even at reduced rates home prices, especially those near water, are high.

No chain stores. No Arches, No box stores, no fast food. The only signs I have seen that are corporate are Shell on the two gas stations, and Ace on the hardware store. That part is great! The island works very hard to keep it that way.

Cell phones are semi useful. With the hills and distance from towers, AT&T coverage is spotty at best. (Verizon too)


I have heard that it is a good school system here. Possible because the expensive homes have created a high tax base giving good school funding. One high school on the island with busing in from the outer areas. High school students from Lopez ride the ferry every day and walk the three blocks from the ferry landing to the school.

All that being said it seems like this place is a good place to raise a family.

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