Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Time to Go

Tomorrow is our last day here at Malheur. Twenty four days have come and gone quickly. I feel guilty only staying for this short time, but our supervisor knew about this last year. When we found out that we were going to spend two months at San Juan Is Nat Hist Park ( or SAJH for short) I originally told Carla that we weren't coming to Malheur this year because we could not be here for the full term of the ranch opening. Carla replied that she was willing to work with our time schedule. "How about you come the first of August and help setting up the ranch?" So that's what we did. Actually, we worked more days than if we were just hosting at the ranch. 171 hours converts to 21 days. If we were working the normal three day on, four day off schedule a month would be 15 days so I don't feel so bad.

The trailer is almost packed and ready. The satellite dish still needs to be taken down and the truck backed under the trailer and attached, but that can wait for a while.

I just looked up and the moon is about 5 degrees above the horizon and smiling at me. It must be full tonight. Awesome to look at, terrible for star gazing.

Just went outside and fought the misquitoes to dump the tanks and finish packing. Some of the work will have to wait until tomorrow. The bugs won tonight.

Before I came in tonight I checked out the sky. I easily found Venus. It is the brightest thing in the night sky besides the moon. Its about 60 million miles from us and getting closer. I also spotted Saturn and Mars nearby. Soon it will be late enough to see Jupiter come up in the East. I miss looking at the stars and planets.

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