Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday Aug 21, 2010

Sitting here having a piece if toast figuring what I want to do with the rest of my day. It is our last day of rest at Malheur before we leave on Wed morning. Last night we were invited into Burns to have dinner at our supervisor's home. Good food, good conversation, good company made for a good time.

Up at 6:30 this morning to take the girls on our mile loop. After my Cheerios I decided it was time to "do Susan" again. I have cassette tape that I made from a Susan Powder video many years ago I used to do it regularly before breakfast. I knew it well enough to be able to watch a soccer tape or the news and excercise at the same time. I had the tape set up and turned on the TV on the morning of 9/11 and watched the plane crash into the second tower. It's a moment that I will never forget.

So I did Susan here in the screen porch of the Rec Building across from our trailer. It is very soothing to look out at the landscape while you work out. It's been a while since Susan and I have sweated together so it was good to do it again. Now I'm back in the trailer writing this. The forecast is for clear with temps in the 70's today with lows in the high 30's and then a slow warming trend for the next few days. Today sounds like a good day to clean up the truck and put a coat of wax on it and the front of the trailer. I don't like starting out on a trip with a dirty vehicle.

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