Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday May 21, 08

Here I am in the Redmond Public Library using their Wifi network. We have been out of range for a few days. We are staying at the Cove Palisades Stae Park, near Culver, Or. What a beautiful place! The campgrounds are nice. Lots of grass in E Loop. A,B & C loops have the feel of the mountains with lots of rocks, etc. We are staying until Friday and will be gone before the M Day hordes arrive. Then, after spending the week-end at friends, it's home on Monday.

It was in the 80's when we got here on Monday and by Tuesday, it was in the 50's. They say the low will be in the 30's tonight. No rain though and and lots of sun which is great!

I have some new pics but they are still in the camera. I will sent a couple of the Lake Billy Chinook area on the next entry. Until then here is a picture of our site at the Narrows. Quite nice for the middle of nowhere. ( How do we know it's the middle?)


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