Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday May 13, 08

Woke up to partly cloudy skies and warmer temps. Had a noise on the truck checked out ( OK) and then went to find a WIFI signal in Burns somewhere. I parked outside of the library but no signal there. So I dorve through town with the computer on and watched the screen until a signal showed up. Voila! So I checked email and sent WOD. Sorry about Monday.

Last day with guests traveling with us. I was glad. We hooked up and headed the 25 mi. south to the Narrows. Very nice RV park with full hookups plus Wifi, a store, restaurant, fuel, and ?)cable. (This is "camping"?) Our friends drove which was ok. Drove down to Bueana Vista Overlook which looks down on acres of water and wildfowl. Then on to the Peter French visitor center and met a gentleman named Dick Jenkins. I think he owns a large part of the area down there and donated 10 acres for this place. It turns out that he was born in Le Center,MN. We talked and found out that he is related to R roomate in college. It is really a small world. Sprinkles on the way home. Drier tommorrow and warmer too.


1 comment:

katmac said...

Jim and Randa
Great to read about your adventurs, a nice way to stay intouch while you are gone. Who knows in a year or two you may have a book on your hands.
