Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday May 18,08

After several days visiting friends here in Bend, Winnie and the rest of us are ready to hit the road again. Where should be go, that is the question? East is out until August when we head back over to Malhuer for our 60 day volunteer commitment. I'm looking forward to that. It is an amazing place, so isolated, so quiet, so beautiful. It will be totally different there in late summer. The water level will be considerable less and probably different birds to view and record. Already we have seen about 10 birds that very infrequently, if never, venture into the Willamette Valley where we call home. Birds with exotic names like the Black Neck Stilt, or Advocet, or the beautiful Sandhill Cranes.

So where do we go tomorrow? The weather forcast is always a factor. It says nice tomorrow ( 80's) and then clouds and twenty degrees cooler for Tuesday- Thursday. Maybe sprinkles. So that tells me to stay on the east side of the mountains and the chances of drier days are better. So maybe Camp Sherman, maybe Madras area, or Prinville Res. I'll let you know tomorrow if we have internet availablity.

See you then,


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