Sunday, August 6, 2023

I'm Back

 Where have I been?  What have I been doing?   Well, that's a long story.   The condensed version is that we made it home.  It was good to be back in our house again.  The dogs really like having more room.  Lots of space to roam, to smell, to nap.  

  Once home we had a lot of yard work to catch up on.  The tree that fell over during the winter left behind a large stump.  It took time and lots of sweat labor to get it gone, repair the fence, and rebuild the retaining wall.

Before we knew it, time passed and at was time to pack for our next volunteer stint.   

This is where we are for the months of July and August.

Umpqua River Lighthouse

The unique light of the Umpqua light/  

Our trailer is parked on the premises, only a short distance from the tower.  The white and red beams of light pass over our spot every night.

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