Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Today's sunrise

Back home in Canby

Left our view of the Pacific on Monday morning.  Lots of smoke in the Coast Range (Elkton, Drain to I-5 ).  Thankfully it lessened as we drove north.  Got home about 3:30.  It's Wednesday morning.  The trailer is parked in it's spot beside the house.  It's mostly unloaded.  Some weeding to be done, but happy to be here.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

In the tower

Looking towards the west.

Today's Artist -- Nanci Griffith

Country / Folk.  Clear voice.  Simple, easy to understand lyrics about love, boyfriends, growing up.  Close your eyes and remember when.

Listen to :
" Love at the Five and Dime"
" Once in a Very Blue Moon"

Friday, August 25, 2023

Sunset last evening

Days are getting shorter.  I really notice it at the coast because you can actually watch the sun disappear.

Today's artist -- Lori McKenna 8.25.23

Lori:s songs are real.  Part of my life. Simple meaningful lyrics.  Sound good with a band or just a guitar. Put your feet up and listen to :

" People Get Old"

"All I Ever Do"

Lori McKenna

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Morning artist - Tori Amos

I floated along this morning, Tori Amos in my ears.  How to describe her music. Complex, varying, truly unique.  Her vocal range is amazing and stunning.  I must admit that I have trouble hearing some of the lyrics which are quite intricate. That being said, I would listen to her music if she sang in pig latin.

" Silent for so Long"

" Cornflake Girl"

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Morning artist Tracy Chapman

Best known for 
 "Fast Cars",, "Talking About a Revolution"
Gritty " protest songs.  Songs of poverty
, oppression, sadness.  Traci has haunting voice.

Listen to. " The Promise"   It will touch you.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Washing windows

Washing windows can be fun if you doing the lighthouse lantern glass.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Pacific scenes

Morning walk artist Love and Rockets

My son heard them this summer.  English trio.  Described as punk, rock,  fusion ( whatever the is).  My opinion -  Upbeat, lively.  Escape music.  I'd go to a concert if you bought.  Definitely bring hearing protection.
Wouldn't buy an album.

"Kundalini Express"
'Holiday on the Moon"

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Today's artist 8.17.23 James McMurtry

James McMurtry. 
   Singer - Songwriter 
  Poetry with grit and meaning.  The feeling of life with hardships and flaws.  Dust Bowl feelings

" Level Land" probably best known song.

" Lights of Cheyene" worth listening to

Both songs show pain and frustration and some sadness.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

RV contrasts

From one extreme to another 

Morning Music

Every morning the boys and I take a walk.  At home it usually around school grounds.  When we are not home, we explore the local area.  At this location we usually end up at Lake Marie at the nearby Umpqua Lighthouse State Park
  Some days I enjoy the morning sights and sounds.  Some days I listen to music as we walk.  My " Go To " is John Hiatt.  I've liked him for a long time.  But there are others.  Richard Thompson, Harry Chapin, Cheryl Wheeler to name a few.  But lately it's been an adventure in new directions.  Roxy Music, The Pretenders, Bonnie Raitt, The Who.
The last three mornings I've tried to play one artist or group.  
Monday - Dave Matthews,great drummer 
Tuesday - Harry Chapin, story songs
Today ( Wednesday) - Bruce Cockburn.  ( That was really fun.  I had forgotten about his music.  )
    I am wondering about tomorrow or for down the road ( or trail).  Stay tuned.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Dune Fest

The Dune Fest for 2023 is history.  10,000 folks plus probably that many machines in one area is an interesting activity. Rigs starting arriving Monday afternoon and continued throughout the week end.  Lots of variety of campers.  Lots of variety of dune machines.  Lots of activities for the attendees.  Lots of noise until late, late at night.  By Sunday night they were all gone.
The event was good for the economy of the coast, but I now know what the residents of Sturgis feel like in August.

Friday, August 11, 2023

the light

I just realized that I haven't published a photo of the lighthouse so here you

Lighthouse Window Washing

Several of us got went out onto the balcony around the lantern this morning and washed the windows.   They weren't terribly dirty, but they are better now.  The view from up there was spectacular.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Cool Car

 I saw this yesterday, parked along the bluff in front of the lighthouse.  1967 Bug 

Cool huh?!

Sunday, August 6, 2023

The Pacific

It's in sight from our RV site.  However, we had to drive a ways to find tide pools to explore.  Well worth the drive.

I'm Back

 Where have I been?  What have I been doing?   Well, that's a long story.   The condensed version is that we made it home.  It was good to be back in our house again.  The dogs really like having more room.  Lots of space to roam, to smell, to nap.  

  Once home we had a lot of yard work to catch up on.  The tree that fell over during the winter left behind a large stump.  It took time and lots of sweat labor to get it gone, repair the fence, and rebuild the retaining wall.

Before we knew it, time passed and at was time to pack for our next volunteer stint.   

This is where we are for the months of July and August.

Umpqua River Lighthouse

The unique light of the Umpqua light/  

Our trailer is parked on the premises, only a short distance from the tower.  The white and red beams of light pass over our spot every night.