Saturday, October 15, 2022

Working on the Trailer

 One thing about having a RV, or a house for that matter, maintenance is always required.  I guess if you bought a new one every years or so, maybe you could avoid it, that's not feasible.  Being back at our home base allows us time to take care of needed and preventive chores.

   The usual items checked are tires, batteries, appliances. etc.  I have an appointment at Les Schwab to have tires, brakes and wheel bearings checked on Wednesday.  The exterior has been our focus for the last week or so.  The fenders were showing their age by developing cracks and faded paint.  New ones would be expensive if you could even find them.  I removed them epoxied the cracks and found some spray paint that comes close to the original color.  They are ready to reattach when we finish waxing the rig.  This is time when it you just how big the trailer is.  It's also helps you spot any other areas that need attention.  I have found several caulking jobs that will be next on the list.

The fenders will go back on after the waxing is done, because they will need caulking too


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