Thursday, October 20, 2022

Passion Flower

 Fall is definitely here.  Today is probably the last time Oregon will see 70 degrees until next year.  The rain starts tomorrow and is predicted for the next 5 or 6 days.  So today I put the fenders back on the trailer and wax the last small section of the trailer.  It's also time to put the atio furniture into the shed for the winter.  Ugh !  I like taking it out in the spring but not putting it away.  It's like when we are srriving at t new location.  I like setting things up, but I don't enjoy packing up.

   It was 43 this morning and 71 is the predicted high today. But then we are looking forward to days in the 50s the lrest of the week with rain.  The rain is overdue and welcome, but I still prefer summer.  

  Here is a Passion Flower from our fence.  As you can see the blossoms are beautiful.  I ordered a packet of Passion Flower seeds online.  I will plant them in front of the new trellis that I built for the spot where the Dogwood Tree used to be.


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