Monday, December 20, 2021

K C Update

 It is now Dec 20, 2021.  We have been here at KC for 15 days.  We made it through 4 days of guide training.  We have been getting familiar with the tools and procedures of the place.  I gave my first tour Saturday.  It wasn't bad for my first, but I know I can get better.  

  Being in front of a group of visitors is both exciting and scary.  Knowing your subject helps a lot.  Not being totally familiar with the cave is a bit nerve - racking.  Time and repetition will help. 

   Our work schedule is morning shift, Wednesday through Saturday.  We asked for at least one week-end day a week so that we can attend special events in the area.  We are ready to go out and enjoy the world again.

This was the moon this morning.  I started the walk with the boys this morning with the moonlight lighting our way and ended it with the light of the dawn on our backs. 

Monday, December 13, 2021

Training Day 1

Today was Training Day 1.  Actually, Randa and I took the training class two years ago so we could have skipped the class but we decided that more training could be good.  I'm glad we did because today was awesome.  We reviewed some items but learned many new facts today.  Plus there were several videos that we enjoyed.  Two of them were of the two discoverers Gary Tenen and Randy Tuft, telling their story of the discovery of the cave.  It was cool to see them describe the event.  

Friday, December 10, 2021

First week at KC (Kartchner Caverns)

 After two days of getting the house "squared away", we were ready to visit the Discovery Center and have a meeting with the Volunteer Coordinator, Kyle.  We spent an hour or so talking with Kyle, received our uniform shirts, established our work schedule,  and basically catching up.  Met some new folks got hugs or elbow bumps from folks that we had worked with two seasons ago.  There have been some changes but much is the same.  It felt comfortable. 

   Wednesday and Thursday we donned our uniform shirts and went in to find tours that we could jump on to reacquaint ourselves with the cave.  We both helped on a Rotunda tour on Wed and Thurs we split up.  Randa was a trailer on a Rotunda tour and did the same on a tour of the Big Room.  It was fun getting back into the darkness and seeing familiar formations again.  We have opted to take the lead guide training next week.  It has been nearly 2 yrs since we were stopped by Covid, so we figured it would be rime well spent.

We are here

 W300e are here in Arizona.  We are back at Kartchner Caverns again.  Benson is about 10 miles away.  

The trip down was 5 days.  We decided to limit our trek to  300 miles a day.  A good strategy when the days are so short.  It worked out well.  We were on the road by 9 and parked before it got dark.  

The first day was short Canby to Redmond   Late start.  "Oh we forgot this." "We better take another one of these."  " Did you bring those?"   But finally we left Canby behind and headed over the Cascades.  We set up at the fairgrounds in Redmond by 4pm.  We enjoyed a very nice supper and conversation with our son, Jason, and daughter-in-law Toni. and went to bed. 

Day 2  Redmond to Standish, Ca    The day dawned foggy and cold but above freezing but we headed south on Hwy 97.  The weather cleared as we got to La Pine and were in clear weather from then on.  (happy face)  Arrived at our next stop, "Days End RV Park in Standish, Ca just barely before dark.  ( Footnote: we did not unhook the truck from the trailer until we arrived in Yuma,  which made setting up and getting ready for departure much faster.  ie Putting down the corner jacks for stability. hooking up the water and electricity and we were ready to extend the slides and cook supper.)

Day 3  Standish to Tonopah, Nv   395 to I-80 thru Reno, Fallon Hwy 95 south Hawthorne to the lovely town of Tonopah.  The town sits at 6000 ft amid mountains filled with minerals that are being harvested and discovered in every direction.  Lithium and gold are the two high-dollar items followed closely by copper.    

Day 4  Tonopah to CalNevAri, Nv   More mining towns, more mountains, ( Nevada has 300 mountain ranges) , driving the length of Las Vegas north to south and ending up at the southern tip of Nevada where 3 states come together, thus the unusual name.  Nothing in CalNevAri except a casino, a motel. and an RV park.  The good thing, it's lower in elevation and therefore, warmer.  70 when were arrived.

Day 5  CalNevAri to Yuma.  Warm temps. lots of sun,  84 when we arrived in Yuma.  Set up in one of the numerous RV parks that are scattered all over the Yuma area.  Many Canadians spend their 6 months there. (If they stay longer than 6 months outside of their country, they loose their medical and other benefits.)   The parks are filled with vehicles with plates from northern climates and why not.  84 felt quite nice.  Wearing shorts was quite nice.

Days 6,7,8  We actually unhooked the trailer at the Shang Ri La Resort and spent 4 nights there.  The real reason we went a bit out of our way was to get dental work done in Mexico, Los Algodones, to be exact.  It's a small village on the border that caters to Americans and Canadians.  With over 200 dentists, optometrists, and some other doctors, it is "the place to go" to get your dental work taken care of at a very reasonable price and pick up some souvenirs on your way out.  Randa had several crowns and a mouth guard made at a fraction of what our Canby dentist would have charged.  We have been a customer of this dentist for more than 5 years.

Day 9  Yuma to Kartchner  Almost all freeway I-8 to I 10 to Hwy 90.  We met some dear friends in Gila Bend for lunch and then continued to our destination at KC.  Because we had to make a quick trip to Algodones to pick up Randa's  mputh guard, we didn't leave Yuma until 11.  So it was getting very dark when we backed into site #16 here at the park.  We did what was needed to be level and have power and saved the rest for the next day but we were here !!   

More to come .