Wednesday, May 12, 2021


 We arrived home on Saturday evening.  1403 miles.  Three long days.  The first night is Beatty, Nevada.  The second night in Standish, Ca (near Susanville) and the third night in our own bed.  It was great to be back in Oregon.  The trip was uneventful, except that the A/C did conked out during the hottest part of the day on Day 1.  It was quite uncomfortable from Parker to Searchlight.  We stopped for fuel in Searchlight and it was cooler with a nice breeze.  With the cooler temps, the A/C kicked in again.  Then, driving through the middle of afternoon traffic of LV, it failed again and did not resume until about a half-hour north of the city.  From then on the weather was cooler and the A/C worked well 

  The route was the same one we used coming down.  Weather was not a factor.  We were stopped for a half-hour for road construction otherwise the roada were good.  Fuel was higher, by about $.50 / gal.  It is interesting comparing fuel prices in different areas and states.  In Arizona Unleaded and Diesel are nearly the same with diesel sometimes a few cants less.  In Nevada  diesel was higher.  California is ridiculous!  Gas and diesel is at least a dollar higher than anywhere else.  Going back and forth , I buy fuel in southern Oregon and northern Nevada to avoid paying California prices.   However, I have found that fuel prices vary here too.  We drove up to Eric's yesterday and I watched prices as we passed from Canby to Oregon City, to Milwaukee.  Every station had a different price.  Diesel varied from 2.99 to 3.59 with ups and downs along the way.  I don't understand it. 


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