Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Hit the road, Jack.

 Tomorrow,  we hit the road.  both of us are ready.  Once the season ends, just sitting around doesn't agree with us.  Although the arboretum is at it's peak, bloom-wise.  But because the calendar shows that it is May.  the winter visitors have gone home.  The Arizona residents that are members are still visiting but the numbers are why down.  Programs have ended.  But mostly the temperatures are up.  As I write this at 5pm my weather machine shows 93.  So we are sitting inside, waiting for the sun to go down and the air to cool to complete the packing. The tasks I have left at this time is the satellite dish and the sewer connections along with treating the rubber on the kitchen slide.  It is right in the sun so I am waiting for sundown to treat the rubber seals. Oh, I need to take down the weather machine that is fastened to the trailer ladder.  

   And then tomorrow,   zoom.

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