Monday, February 8, 2021


 Saturday was a normal work day.  We were originally scheduled to just do roving, walking around talking to visitors, answering questions, giving directions, getting more familiar with the arboretum.  Plans changed and we were asked to conduct the tour of the Wallace Desert Garden.  The first time for us.  Randa led the tour and I assisted.  It went well.

   After lunch we resumed our roving assignment.  As we were wandering the trails, someone called to me, "We need help.  Someone has fallen."  I quickly turned around and headed back the way we came.  I got the two-way radio off my belt as I walked the short distance to the accident location.  I keyed the radio and called "Visitor Center this is volunteer Jim" and I started to explain the situation.  I was excited.  I should have waited for contact before explaining the situation.  So it took a few minutes to get the necessary information to the VC.  A gentleman between 50-60 had experienced some type of seizure and had fallen into some cactus.  Went I arrived several folks were there and he was sitting up and a guy who seemed to know what he was doing, was checking him out.  The patient was conscious but was not aware of what was going on.  

    The VC reacted quickly, sent employees, a cart to transport the gentleman, and called 911.  So it arrived about the same time that the transporting cart arrived at the parking lot.  We did not follow right away because there were already a crowd of people that had gathered.  The EMTs checked him over, bandaged the scratches on his face, and transported him to Banner Hospital in Mesa.  We did hear that him had experienced a seizure before, so that was probably what happened.  We have not heard any further information.

    It was a scary moment, but it worked out.  It was, however, a good training experience for us, and for me, especially.  I need to be better prepared to respond more quickly and clearly when the need arises.  I hope the need does not arise again anytime soon.   

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