Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Arizona Milkweed

These two types of Milkweed that are going to be for sale during BTA's upcoming plant sale
.The flowers are really colorful.  I can see why butterflies are attracted. 


Saturday, February 20, 2021


   Remember when you first heard of the Biosphere?  It was this futuristic place out in the Arizona Desert where a number of scientists were sealed inside for a long period of time.  They were to be entirely self-sufficient cut off from the outside world, making their own environment, air, water, food, etc.  The name conjured up visions of a glass sphere, or at least a dome or maybe several domes connected by passage ways.  I have seen some sci-fi movies with that layout. 

    I was pretty excited to be driving the 70+ miles south of here to get to the location near the town of Oracle.  Because of the topography, the site cannot be seen from the highway .  It's probably a couple of miles of curves and hills to arrive.  

The site, as you can see, is just as magical as I had imagined.
The entrance area consists of a large group of contemporary buildings that house offices, gift shop, and a conference center.  
Registration and admission can be done online before arrival.  At check-in you are instructed to download the app that provides the Biosphere story as you move past numbered stops.  I would have preferred an actual tour guide so we could ask questions   I would Love to be a volunteer  guide there.   It would be so fun to learn more about the place and help the visitors imagine themselves living in such a exotic place.
This structure houses thecoastal desert and the tropical rain forest

98 species of plants grow in here.  Some are absolutely huge.  So big that someone climbs up on the framework trim them.  It was warm and humid inside, a sharp contrast to the chilly windy day outside.

There are blooms.  There are fruit.  There is even an ocean.  This is a definite must see.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

SanTan Regional Mountain Park

 Ws spent a few enjoyable hours on the trails of this newly found park.  There are miles of trails ambling through the desert and into the mountains nearby.  The desert plants are abundant and varied.  Lots of Saguaro cacti to enjoy, plus barrels, hedgehogs, cholla,  a fun place to explore. 

the three kids

Saguaro Skin

The protective skin of a Saguaro tells its story. It shows the good times and bad times of it's life.  It shows it's injuries and it's scars.  And yet it continues to live.


Monday, February 15, 2021

The Vaccine Search

 The state of Arizona has a site to search for vaccination sites.  Once you in the system, you can search available sites.  Because the availability of Covid Vaccine is volatile, it is necessary to keep checking as availability of vaccine comes and goes in a flash.  Because I am (1b) I got mine the same day I registered.  Randa is too young  😇 so she is a 1C, which means she has to wait a bit.   So I check every day.

  35 degrees this morning.  Crisp. however not as crisp as most of the country.  I am typing this at 9am and the temperature has come up to 50 already, with blue skies and lots of sunshine.  Looking for 61 today.

Saturday, February 13, 2021


 As most folks I have been trying to find out where and how to get my Covid19 vaccination.  There is a lot of information out there.  There's a lot of mis-information out there.

   If we were in Oregon we would have gotten our shots by now because of blood transfer we do for Red Cross.  They are inoculating the volunteers who help in vital areas.  No matter, we aren't there.

    I am a veteran, I should be able to get my shot through them.  Well, I should, but because I am not in my home area, it is not a slam-dunk.  Each area is run as a semi-autonomous facility.  You have to be registered with an area to get service from that area.  Not the best way to handle traveling vets.  So I have been on hold for long periods only to be told that I needed to contact someone else.

    So yesterday I tried a new source.  I signed up with the state of Arizona.  I filled out the registration for me and for Randa, giving the usual data.  It was pretty straight forward.  Because I checked the box that I was 75  ( 1B), a slot opened up for me in the afternoon.  So we drove to the Gilbert Community College (50 miles) and I received my first shot.  Because Randa is so young, she is 1C .  We are still looking for a slot for her.  I will check the Arizona vaccine line several times a day to get find her an opening.  They come up when vaccines are available and they go quickly.

There were lots of vehicles, but there were also lots of  helpful, smiling volunteers to guide everyone through the maze of orange cones.   It was probably under 45 minutes from the time we entered the parking lot until we drove out the other end, including the 15 minute waiting period to see if you had a reaction.  It ran like a well-oiled machine.  

 Thank you to the many volunteers that helped out.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021


Purple Prickly Pear Cactus.  


Monday, February 8, 2021

California Buckwheat



 Saturday was a normal work day.  We were originally scheduled to just do roving, walking around talking to visitors, answering questions, giving directions, getting more familiar with the arboretum.  Plans changed and we were asked to conduct the tour of the Wallace Desert Garden.  The first time for us.  Randa led the tour and I assisted.  It went well.

   After lunch we resumed our roving assignment.  As we were wandering the trails, someone called to me, "We need help.  Someone has fallen."  I quickly turned around and headed back the way we came.  I got the two-way radio off my belt as I walked the short distance to the accident location.  I keyed the radio and called "Visitor Center this is volunteer Jim" and I started to explain the situation.  I was excited.  I should have waited for contact before explaining the situation.  So it took a few minutes to get the necessary information to the VC.  A gentleman between 50-60 had experienced some type of seizure and had fallen into some cactus.  Went I arrived several folks were there and he was sitting up and a guy who seemed to know what he was doing, was checking him out.  The patient was conscious but was not aware of what was going on.  

    The VC reacted quickly, sent employees, a cart to transport the gentleman, and called 911.  So it arrived about the same time that the transporting cart arrived at the parking lot.  We did not follow right away because there were already a crowd of people that had gathered.  The EMTs checked him over, bandaged the scratches on his face, and transported him to Banner Hospital in Mesa.  We did hear that him had experienced a seizure before, so that was probably what happened.  We have not heard any further information.

    It was a scary moment, but it worked out.  It was, however, a good training experience for us, and for me, especially.  I need to be better prepared to respond more quickly and clearly when the need arises.  I hope the need does not arise again anytime soon.