Sunday, July 5, 2020


Still learning the new computer and the new and improved Windows 10.  Friday I spent over an hour online "chatting with a tech guy from Microsoft.  I upload photos from my phone to this computer.  Then highlight them and download to this blog.  Well as of Thursday, I started getting a error message saying that Blogspot did not accept the photo JFIF format.  JFIF ?  I had saved it in JPEG.  Or at least I thought I did.  So after "chatting for a while I found out that Windows 10 sometimes saves photos in the Jfif format ("They are both active formats, just some programs don't recognize the Jfif one.  " How do I fix this so it doesn't do this again?"  "It is an easy fix just create a (.txt.) file and copy the following  into that file. ')  He then typed a line of letters and symbols and slashes and some more instructions.   Easy huh?
    After looking at his response I my thought was "There's no way this is going to happen."  But Tai, the tech, chatted me through it.  So I am back on top.  :)

A Hydrangea from our yard.                                                      Salvia microphylla Kunth   Baby sage

it and " we constructed a patch to keep this from happening again.

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