Friday, July 31, 2020

HR last Wednesday

   Wednesday was another morning at Hounds Rest, the temporary shelter for greyhounds when they first arrive to our area.  The hope is that the vetting, exams, shots, and spay/neutering will go smoothly and the dogs will rapidly be adopted to their new forever loving home.
   As of Wednesday, the population at HR was 18.  Six females. and twelve males.  A very nice bunch of hounds.  They all have different personalities but all are hungry for love and attention.  'they lean into you, stick their heads against you to get petting.  It is both a rewarding and kinda sad experience .
    Here are a couple of pics.
This is Red, a very nice female, trying to get petted.

This is the boys side of the kennel.  Avis is in the nearest stall.The

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