Wednesday, March 11, 2020


I was just "Spoofed".  Or I should say I was almost spoofed.  Let me tell you about it.

  I received an email from "Amazon" saying that there was a problem with an order  #2100xx76 (or something like that) and I needed to open the attachment and take action to fix the problem.  Until that action was taken my Amazon account would be frozen.
   I was suspicious. 
       1.  We have no outstanding orders through Amazon.
       2.   The address on the email had my email address and another address (not amazon).as the cc.

  So I called Amazon.  They said,  "You are being spoofed.  Don't open the attachment.  We don't send out emails like that.  We are interested in stopping these things.  Please forward the email to us and we will take it from here."

   I forwarded the email right away and deleted it.  I even went to my Trash and Spam files and emptied them immediately afterward.
   I have since received an email from Amazon confirming receipt of my information and reaffirming their policy and handling of spoofing threats.

   Bottom line is:   If it looks fishy, it probably is fishy.  (If it looks like a fish and smells like a fish, it probably is a fish.)  When it doubt, call the company.  It may be a small inconvenience but it will save you embarrassment and money in the end.

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