Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Tour Guide Training

   For the last two days Randa and I and seven others have been in the classroom to prepare us to become tour guides here at Kartchner Caverns.  It has been intense, professional, organized and informative.  We had sections on various including the dynamics of interpretation, the geology of the area. the discovery story of the cave, logistics of the actual tour ( which includes timing, lighting controls, tour group management, emergency procedures )  The employees and volunteers are very concerned with the protection and preservation of the resource while offering the public the opportunity to see a cave that is very close to being just the way it was when it was discovered 45 years ago.  So the training emphasized giving tours that show the cave to lots of folk without compromising the fragile environment of Kartchner. 
    Additional time was spent talking about interpretation challenges such as unruly guests, school groups, accommodating visitors with physical and mental handicaps.  The tour schedule is very time-exacting.  From the moment we greet the tour group until they are returned to the discovery center (VC), the clock is running.  Don't be too slow; don't be too fast.  Giving the tour, I can do.  Done many of them.  Trying to keep on that tight schedule makes me nervous. 

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