Tuesday, March 19, 2019

New Friend

     Yesterday morning the boys and I were walking through the picnic area,  checking the area trash cans to see how many of them had been attacked by the local raccoons.  After finishing that chore we continued along toward no place special.  A crashing in the bushes caused us to move toward it.  As we got closer, the brush moved and a medium sized Javelina emerged and noticed us.   We stared at each other for a moment.  Hunter was on Full Alert.  Ears up, body tense.  Leash taut.  T
    Then he barked !  Barked 4 times !  Hunter has never barked that many times.  Ever !  One bark and it's over.  I am glad he was on the leash because I don't know what he would have done.  Javelinas attack dogs.  They view them as Coyotes which are their predators.   We turned and walked back the other way.  It was an interesting walk, indeed.

Sorry for the poor quality of the photo.  I did not have much time to take it before we retreated.

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