Saturday, January 6, 2018


Do you like going to the dentist?  Me either.  Besides sitting there with your mouth open for an hour or two, it's really expensive.  Randa and I don't have dental insurance so you really know how expensive it is.  By paying cash, you get a 10% discount and my being a veteran gives me an additional 5% but still the cost is outrageous!   So we go to Mexico when we are in the area. Los Algodones, to be exact.  It is a hot bed for Americans to visit for dentistry, glasses, prescriptions and knickknacks.  I have heard that there are over 200 dentists in Algodones and it is a very small town. 
We have been going to the same offices for 5-6 years with good results every time. 
    Here is the odd thing.  The reason I went to Algodones this year was that my Canby dentist said that my two gold crowns needed replacement which would have cost about $3000.  A crown in Mx is $240.  See why I drove down from Mesa?   Well, I get in the chair and she checks me out and says, "Those two crowns are fine.  They are gold and gold lasts for a very long time.  But you do need some other work."  ( See previous entry)  So the root canal, temporary crown, and oral surgery came to $570.  The Canby dentist says use floride toothpaste.  The Mexican surgeon says Naw.  The Canby dentist wants to use an electric toothbrush.  The Mexican dentist says No, use the Bass method of brushing instead.         The question is: who do you believe ?
Taken the morning we left Mesa .

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