Sunday, June 11, 2017


   Tuesday is the last day of Session 1.  It is going to be difficult to say goodbye to some of our friends new and old.  We have had many conversations, bowls of snacks, and tons of laughter during this 5 weeks.  I hope the next session will be at least half as much fun.
    The one given is that the weather will be warming up.  Although Tahoe weather is unpredictable, summer will have an influence even at 6200 ft.  Mother Nature is playing with us right now as the high today might not get to 50 or tomorrow and tomorrow night is forecast for 27.  Yipes!
    Second session differs from the first because the focus is more on programs and less on maintenance.  That's both good and bad.  Randa and I love to do the programs such as tours of the Pope House, Kitchen Kids (teaching 6-12 year-olds to bake treats from scratch, Servants Tours,  The catch is this year additional programs have been added to the mix.  With the rotation out of session 1 folks, I am apprehensive that enough new interpretive volunteers are added to the crew.  We shall see.     The Internet situation has not gotten any better.  I am writing this from the volunteer room down at the site because, supposedly, the reception is better.  Not that I can tell......

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