Tuesday, September 13, 2016


We have been home for a week.  Most but not all of the items in the trailer have been unloaded.  (Some are still buried in the basement)  There are some trailer projects to do but the yard and house needing more attention right now.  I have someone who mows regularly but the weeds continue to grow and the trees and bushes continue to grow so the trailer projects will have to wait for a while. The weather has been beautiful since we have arrived home so outdoor activities are enjoyable.  The weather forecasters say changes are coming this weekend so now is the time to get yard things done.
    This weekend R and I attended our first Comicon. It is an annual event that uses a large portion of the Portland Convention Center.  If it would have been a Sci Fi or a Star Trek event

     The convention center was crowded with all sorts of costumes from scary to creative to silly.  Some required a second look.  Some others made you feel a tinny bit guilty for taking a second look.  It was an interesting afternoon.

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