Friday, September 23, 2016

Fort Vancouver

 Last week we had visitors.  Friends from San Diego, David and Lois, stopped by.  So we got reacquainted with all the exploration spots at the site.  Saw some friends who work there.  Had a great visit at the Marshall House, where George C Marshall lived when he was the Commandant in 1938 and 39,  It is a beautiful house.  It's the site of many weddings during the year.

We also spent time at the Pearson Air Museum before wandering down to the fort itself.  Our rangers friends gave us a key so we could enter some of the buildings that are normally not open,  It was a  nice gesture.  It was fun being the tour guides for D and L and seeing the place again.  We will go back to volunteer again for sure.

   The heritage garden had a fall look meaning that many for the vegetables had been harvested, but the flowers were still looking good.  It was a good day.

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