Monday, November 23, 2015


I am late in showing our new family member.  His name is Hunter.  He is our second Greyhound; our first one was our sweet girl Winnie.  This guy is also shy, even more so than Winnie.  Skiddish is more accurate of a description.  Being a racing greyhound, he has not been exposed to the sights and sounds of a "normal" dog.  So many things are new to him. Put that with his personality and it is going to be a challenge to help him adapt to everyday life.  But he is coming around.  I can step over him lying in the hallway with out him bolting out of the way.  That is big.  He still is reluctant to approach other people, especially men.  If they are sitting down, it is easier.  If they approach sort of sideways, with their hand out side ways, it will be better.  He also seems more relaxed if the leash is on him, of one of us is holding his collar.  It is a soothing thing.

    He is a sweet dog and is already a Good Thing !

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