Friday, August 7, 2015

Week one

   The first week of work at the Sodhouse Ranch.  Three buildings have been cleaned extensively.  Ten months sitting empty is not a good thing for a building.  Add to that the rush to get the buildings closed in October meant that the contents were poorly protected.  We will be here for the closing this Oct and will do a more thorough closing procedure.
    The three buildings; the office, the bunkhouse, and the original homestead house are cleaned and nearly ready for the first day which is Saturday, August 15th.  Most of the "props" are in the buildngs and are just waiting to be staged.  The grounds have been mowed and the tall grass, cut and bailed.  Some additional "weed wacking" is needed around buildings and fences, but we are getting close.  We will definitely be ready.
 On the left is the ice house constructed in 1900 with blocks of limestone brought from nearby hills.  The two story bunkhouse is one the buildings that is getting ready for visitors. The fabulous long barn is on the right.  
 This complex includes several animal buildings and harness shed.

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