Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sunday Morning

Today dawned with a red sun.  A front moved in last night with some wind and clouds but no thunder and no rain.  It moved on in an hour or two and the rest of the night was quiet.  The weather this week is going to be good, at least that is what I can get from about five different websites.  They all differ, but the general consensis is sunny and 85 for the week.  Great weather but, as I look out to the north, I can see only a few miles because of smoke.  Evidently, there are brush fires in the area causing our air problems.  It is a problem that southern Oregon has been having for a week or so, but it is new to this area and not very welcome at all.  One of the things I like about eastern Oregon is the distant views.  The miles and miles of miles and miles..
Not today.

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