Monday, February 16, 2015

Two Week Check up

Last Friday the 13th was the two week annivesary of my pacemaker.  Saw the cardiologoist for maybe 5 minutes.  He shook my hand and told me that I definitely needed the device.  "If you have any questions, my assistant will answer them for you." as he walked out.  Jan came in a few minutes later and did just that.  She told me that the device several times since installation.  She told me to continue to be careful, not to lift over ten pounds with the left hand and not to lift my left elbow higher than my shoulder.  She also said I could resume driving but to stay off bumpy roads ( Ajo Mountain Drive, the road to Quitobaquito for example).  Those two roads are pretty bumpy and not only would it be uncomfortable, but the wires in my heart still need more time to "seat" themselves in the muscle.
   I have another appointment on April 3rd to have a final checkup and maybe have the pacemaker adjusted.  We will be finished with our stint here at ORPI and will stay a couple of nights in Buckeye which is close to the doctor's office.  Then we will head north. 

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