Monday, February 9, 2015

Death and life Day 2

Friday January 30,15

I was awakened at 7am. (As if you get any sleep in the hospital)  "Your surgery had been moved up from Noon to 8am"  I was picked up at 7:20 and wheeled through what seemed like miles of corridors and an elevator ride to end up in an operating room.  I layed there listening to and watching the prep activities around me the nurses and doctor chit-chatted with me.  The five hairs on my chest were shaved, my left clavicle was located and the area was painted with something orange. My head was turned to the right and a large blue tarp with a plastic window was placed over me. I felt it being stuck to my chest. 
  The next thing I remember is waking up in my hospital room at 9am.  I had a chest x-ray in bed a few minutes later.  Within an hour I had a ultra sound as that sounds my arteries were good and verified that the wire leads were in the proper spots in my heart.  A good day, indeed.

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