Sunday, September 28, 2014

Friday Sept 19, 2014

Friday Sept 19. 2014    97 visitors


    Our second day at the Pearson Air Museum since the Visitor Center was closed for remodel.  Visitors are still drifting over after seeing the signage at the other location.  The PAM is a newer and nicer facility than the old VC and we and the park employees are settling into the building being open 7 days a week and having an increased amount of traffic.   

   Part of the fun is finding out a little background on our visitors.  Yesterday, two couples came in the spent time looking around.  One of the wives lingered in the hanger that displays aeronautical history of the Pearson Air Field.   I went out to talk to her and found her near the B-17 display.  She told me that her father was a Marine bombardier on small bomber in the Pacific.  Our museum does not have any information to help her so I Googled it on my phone.   She now has an airplane to ask her father about, the B-25.  He does not talk about it so maybe this will help her to start a conversation. 

   She left with a sense of accomplishment on her face.  I hope it helps.

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