Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Back to Normal

If there is such a thing as normal.  We are there.  Nearly three weeks ago our world changed immensely.  Our son was shot twice while making a routine traffic stop.  They say that there are no "routine" traffic stops and that was proof.  After some care and expertise by the doctors and nurses at OHSU, he is back recuperating at his home in Klamath Falls.  The response from family, friends and even total strangers was overwhelming.  Prayers and kind thoughts were being sent from literally all over the world.
   The law enforcement communtiy is a botherhood and they proved it with their love and concern.  It was heart warming to witness.
   With him back home, our life went from daily trips to the hospital back to daily water execise classes and volunteering at Fort Vancouver.  It may not be exciting but sometimes dull is good.
Volunteering at the Fort is fun and very easy.  There are so many ways to volunteer from working at the VC, to gardening, to doing living history demonstrations in costume.
  The current Visitor Center closed on Monday and visitor information has switched to the Pearson Air Museum.   The old VC will be gutted and completed remodeled on the inside.  The bathrooms will now have insde entrances because of trouble with people abusing them.  Last week the pipes in all the toilets were stolen during the middle of the day.  Maintenance had to replace the fitting on one toilet for each bath for the remaining open days.  The original plan was to keep the restrooms open during the remodel as a service for vistors and picnic users but the damage soured that idea and they are now closed until the remodel is completed.  It is unfortunate that a few can spoil it for the many.

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