Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday Sept 28, 2014

Today is a glorius Indian Summer Day.  Warm, but it feels like Fall.  Lots of folks out enjoying the great weather, probably the last we will see of the sun.  We opened the doors of the hanger to let the sunshine in.  I thought the lighting made the hanger was bright inside until the hanger doors were open and the netural light came in.  The difference was amazing!
  Our interesting couple today was here for the first time.  They are a couple of years away from retirement and beginning to think about the future.  We talked about the opportunities presented  by volunteering in state and federal parks.  They left filled with thoughts and enthusiasm.

Sat Sept 27, 2014

   This morning I switched shcedules with my wife so that I could attend a special event at the Canby fairgrounds.  The Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival is held Friday - Sunday on the last weekend in September.  It is a chance for those interested in the fiber arts to show their stuff and others to buy more stuff.  Barns held Angora Rabbits, Angora goats, sheep of many breeds, and Llamas and Alpacas. 
   Add to this nearly a hundred booths selling fleeces and processed fiber and all kinds of "do-dads" unique to the industry.  Lots and lots of people. Lots of equipment.  Lots of sights and sounds.  Lots of fun for all.   Check in out next year.

Saturday Sept 20, 2014

Saturday September 20, 2014


Today is warm and sunny.  Probably the last warm Saturday this year.  83 visitors today.

     One of the early couples visiting today were farmers from south Texas, near Corpus Christi.  I told them that I thought there were only ranchers in Texas.  They chuckled at that.   

   Cotton is their crop and it is ready to harvest, except that the heavy rains that have been hitting Texas lately have flooded their fields so they cannot get into them.  Instead of fretting they decided to take a trip to get away.  As she said, “There’s nothing we can do right now except wait it out.” 

    A healthy attitude to have.

Friday Sept 19, 2014

Friday Sept 19. 2014    97 visitors


    Our second day at the Pearson Air Museum since the Visitor Center was closed for remodel.  Visitors are still drifting over after seeing the signage at the other location.  The PAM is a newer and nicer facility than the old VC and we and the park employees are settling into the building being open 7 days a week and having an increased amount of traffic.   

   Part of the fun is finding out a little background on our visitors.  Yesterday, two couples came in the spent time looking around.  One of the wives lingered in the hanger that displays aeronautical history of the Pearson Air Field.   I went out to talk to her and found her near the B-17 display.  She told me that her father was a Marine bombardier on small bomber in the Pacific.  Our museum does not have any information to help her so I Googled it on my phone.   She now has an airplane to ask her father about, the B-25.  He does not talk about it so maybe this will help her to start a conversation. 

   She left with a sense of accomplishment on her face.  I hope it helps.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Back to Normal

If there is such a thing as normal.  We are there.  Nearly three weeks ago our world changed immensely.  Our son was shot twice while making a routine traffic stop.  They say that there are no "routine" traffic stops and that was proof.  After some care and expertise by the doctors and nurses at OHSU, he is back recuperating at his home in Klamath Falls.  The response from family, friends and even total strangers was overwhelming.  Prayers and kind thoughts were being sent from literally all over the world.
   The law enforcement communtiy is a botherhood and they proved it with their love and concern.  It was heart warming to witness.
   With him back home, our life went from daily trips to the hospital back to daily water execise classes and volunteering at Fort Vancouver.  It may not be exciting but sometimes dull is good.
Volunteering at the Fort is fun and very easy.  There are so many ways to volunteer from working at the VC, to gardening, to doing living history demonstrations in costume.
  The current Visitor Center closed on Monday and visitor information has switched to the Pearson Air Museum.   The old VC will be gutted and completed remodeled on the inside.  The bathrooms will now have insde entrances because of trouble with people abusing them.  Last week the pipes in all the toilets were stolen during the middle of the day.  Maintenance had to replace the fitting on one toilet for each bath for the remaining open days.  The original plan was to keep the restrooms open during the remodel as a service for vistors and picnic users but the damage soured that idea and they are now closed until the remodel is completed.  It is unfortunate that a few can spoil it for the many.