Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday Aug 14, 2014

   Door #1   This week I have been a door man.  Not what you think.  The door on the shed has been sagging.  I noticed it last year before we went south but decided the repair could wait.  Tuesday was the day.  I purchased the piece of lumber from Canby Builders and removed the storm door and the old rotted trim wood around the door was split and did not hold the screws that attached the storm door.  The reason the wood rotted is because when the building was built  flashing was not installed above the door and that means when it rains the water runs down the walls and goes behind the trim, which it did, and caused the rot.  Well, it's fixed.  I pulled off the old and replaced it with new wood.  It took me twice as long as it would have for a carpenter, and it still needs to be caulked around the edges, but it is done.  :)
   Door #2  Tuesday I also received a call from Home Depot that my special order bi-fold doors had arrived.  We picked them up yesterday and I installed one in the laundry room last night.  The problem with the old door was that it opened into the laundry room and rested against the sink.  To get to the sink you had to skute around the door and close it to wash your hands. 
    With the bi-fold, it folds against the wall out of the way.  Ta da!   Now we need to figure what kind of finish to apply so it will blend in.  The door to the pantry is next.  It opens into the hallway and blocks or restricts passage so its replacement is on the garage waiting for another day.  Not today.  We are going to explore Phillip Foster Farm near Eagle Creek.  Tell you about it later.

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