Monday, August 18, 2014

the Hoover-Minthorn House

Last Thursday we drove to Newberg for the day.  Had a great lunch and a short walk around the downtown area.  Need to go back.  The highlight of the day was the stop at the Hoover-Milthorn House.  It is the house that Herbert Hoover lived in from 1885 to 1895 with his aunt and uncle John and Laura Minthorn.  The Minthorns were in charge of the Quaker Friends Pacific Academy ( now George Fox University) which he attended.  The structure and the grounds are owned and operated as a museum by the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America which is an organization that I need to do some research on as well.  The tour guide was interesting and we had a good interaction with her soaking in the information.  I would suggest a stop there when you pass through Newberg.   I know very little about President Herbert Hoover, but now I know more.

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