Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving Week

   I remember spending Thanksgiving at my aunt's house.  Everyone was there.  Turkey was cooked there. Everyone else brought something.  My Mom brought Scalped Corn, a corn hotdish baked in the oven.  In addition to the turkey, there were many tiems including stuffing, mashed potatoes, turkey gravy, ambrosia salad, green salad, green beans, fresh baked rolls, cranberries that still showed the ungulations from the can.  All good and yummy Midwestern comfort food.  Dessert was a bit later, pumpkin pie, of course, with freshly whipped cream.  Maybe another pie as well.
   The afternoon was spent either watching football on TV ( Texas/ Texas A&M, or the pros, Detroit Lions or the Cowboys) or playing board games.  I remember Sorry, Parcheesi, Flitch, Checkers.  I didn't realize it at the time, but my aunts and uncles were opposed to card games for religious reasons which were never mentioned.
   We went home in the early evening, after consuming the warmed up leftovers, which were as good, if not better, than the first time.
  There was never a thought of shopping, or of being anywhere else.

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