Saturday, November 16, 2013

Saturday Nov 16,2013

Happy birthday to my bride today.  She is as beautiful as when we

We are celebrating by hosting our son and his family for lunch.  It is the first time the whole family will be at our new house.  It will be fun.  Tonight we are volunteering at the Lantern Tours at Fort Vancouver.  It will be our third time in costume.  I have my speaking part in the kitchen as before, but this is the first time the R has a lines to say.  She is Amelia Douglas tonight.  In the skit, Amelia is 33 years old.  I am sure she can pull it off.  Break a leg, Honey.

Finally got our Direct TV installed.  I was dreading it because every time you deal with them there seems to be a hassle.  Lat week it was because the installer needed the trailer moved so that he could get the ladder up properly.  He also said that we needed to have the TV in position that we were going to use for the duration.  Well, we plan on buying a larger TV, but just haven't done it and may not before we head for Arizona.  The prices will probably be lower by the time we return anyway.

Good friends from South Lake Tahoe came by to see us yesterday.  It was great to talk, laugh, and eat Thai food.  We will see them again in May, 2014.

Less then a week until Thanksgiving.  Where is the time going?  R has already attended several Holiday Bazaars.  Yipes !  More to come, no doubt.

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