Thursday, May 30, 2013


    After several days of coolness and some showers, the weather is finally changed for the better.  It was in the mid 60s today with warmer temps as the week progresses.  The forecast is for 80 by Saturday.  With the warmer temperatures, the number of visitors at Tallac will increase also.  The amazing volunteer team is ready.  The walls, ceiling, and window frames are redwood.  All of the wood was given a cleaning and then a waxing with beeswax.  Besides looking good, they smell great!
    We survivied Memorial Day without a problem.  Our work schedule is Wed - Sat. so we only encountered the holiday crowd for one day.  The visitor count for Saturday at the Baldwin Museum was 235.  Sunday jumped to 455. Monday calmed down to 340 as lots of folks headed home early because of the turn in the weather.  These numbers will explode as June moves along.

Bring it on!

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