Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday Morning at Taylor Creek

   On my morning walk today with Mollie,  I paused and sat for a while on a bench on the boardwalk next to Taylor Creek.  As I sat there, I closed my eyes and listened to the morning.  I heard the creek moving by.  I heard geese honking as they flew by in the distance. The Mountain Chickadees were singing there songs which to me sounds like, "Cheese Burger".  I heard the pleasing chirps of several red-winged blackbirds as they flitted around the nearby trees.I listened to two Mergansers as they got to know each other. 
   As I opened my eyes the ducks were drifting downstream.  The blackbirds were still here and there around us.  The sun was trying very hard to warm the air around me.  I needed to capture the moment.  I did and Mollie and I headed back to the trailer to have breakfast.

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