Thursday, May 30, 2013


    After several days of coolness and some showers, the weather is finally changed for the better.  It was in the mid 60s today with warmer temps as the week progresses.  The forecast is for 80 by Saturday.  With the warmer temperatures, the number of visitors at Tallac will increase also.  The amazing volunteer team is ready.  The walls, ceiling, and window frames are redwood.  All of the wood was given a cleaning and then a waxing with beeswax.  Besides looking good, they smell great!
    We survivied Memorial Day without a problem.  Our work schedule is Wed - Sat. so we only encountered the holiday crowd for one day.  The visitor count for Saturday at the Baldwin Museum was 235.  Sunday jumped to 455. Monday calmed down to 340 as lots of folks headed home early because of the turn in the weather.  These numbers will explode as June moves along.

Bring it on!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Moonset on Mt Tallac

Two weeks ago was our first work day here at Tallac.  The amount of work that the group has accomplished is amazing.  All of the buildings are set up for display.  Much maintenance has been done.  The Memorial week-end is 2/3 over.  Saturday was the first day the Baldwin Museum was open and 225 visitors came into the building during the shorten hours of 12 to 4pm.  Yesterday the number swelled to 475.  I would guess today would be somewhat less.  For the rest of the week, the out buildings will be open, but the museum will not open until Saturday and then the site will operate at the summer schedule which is 7 days a week, 10 - 4.
  R and I spent yesterday, the first of our 3 days off, doing exciting things like laundry, and cleaning the trailer.  Today, we will go into SLT (South Lake Tahoe) which is aobut 3 miles from us.  The exercise class at the pool is 9 -10.  We need a few groceries and I need a power cord for this computer as I can no longer "wiggle the cord" enough to make it work.
   This afternoon we are going to shadow John here at the site when he gives one of the afternoon tours of the Pope House.  He gives a great tour and we need to brush up on our knowledge because we may be giving tours in the near future.

   I can see Mt Tallac through the trees as I sit at the dinette table in the trailer, but this photo was taken our my morning walk with Mollie.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday Morning at Taylor Creek

   On my morning walk today with Mollie,  I paused and sat for a while on a bench on the boardwalk next to Taylor Creek.  As I sat there, I closed my eyes and listened to the morning.  I heard the creek moving by.  I heard geese honking as they flew by in the distance. The Mountain Chickadees were singing there songs which to me sounds like, "Cheese Burger".  I heard the pleasing chirps of several red-winged blackbirds as they flitted around the nearby trees.I listened to two Mergansers as they got to know each other. 
   As I opened my eyes the ducks were drifting downstream.  The blackbirds were still here and there around us.  The sun was trying very hard to warm the air around me.  I needed to capture the moment.  I did and Mollie and I headed back to the trailer to have breakfast.

Friday, May 24, 2013

A morning walk

This morning Mollie and I went for our normal early morning walk.  We crossed over the highway and followed the trail down to the board walk that traverses the lower Taylor Creek area.  We watched a pair of Mallards as they preened themselves in the morning sun.  The leaves of the Aspens nearby quivered and quaked to a wind that I did not feel. The water temperature had to have been cold but it was warmer than the air temp so steam was floating above the moving water.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Selling the House the end.

When we woke up Saturday morning we had a home for sale in Eugene.  At 4:00 pm we found out that we had an offer on it.  Our realtor emailed the offer to us and I downloaded and printed it.  We followed along while she read it to us.  The next morning we scanned the signed pages into our computer and emailed them back to her and our house is now sold.  Or at least the sign in front of our house says "Sale Pending".

WOW !! 

New Adventure

We have left 873 behind.  Literally and figuratively.  The house is empty.  We have began again.  Our adventures will continue.

Back at it again

We are back at it again.  Yipee!

  We are parked in the RV campground,  just off Hwy 89 a few miles west of South Lake Tahoe, California.  We are in the same campground, in fact, the same campsite as last year.  It seems a good fit for us, nice a flat, close to the volunteer rec building with the bathrooms, laundry, and kitchen which is good.
   We arrived last Saturday and spent most of the day setting up and unpacking.  We have not been "out" since we came home from Malheur last year so things were everywhere.  (There's a big difference from having the rig in the driveway to actually living in it full time.)  Because we were also selling our house and moving everything to storage, there were many food items that were loaded into the trailer at the end with the idea of sorting it when we arrived here.  R did that yesterday and many items ended up in the trash or combined into another container.

   Life at Tallac Historic Site is great!  Last Monday was our first day.  It was like a family reunion.  Lots of hugs, lots of smiles, lots and lots of laughter!   There were one couple DG and LG joining the crew for the first time.  They were welcomed with open arms and hugs to boot.  After 15 -20  minutes of catching up conversations we sat down in front of a blazing fire in the main room of the Baldwin House.  JD our superviser, did a valiant job trying to keep us all on track and told us what we needed to know and got us going on our tasks to get the place open for Memorial Day.  We scattered to our posts still chattering and munching pieces of donuts on our way.

   The week was very busy with much work to do.  But as the saying goes, "Many hands make light work" much was accomplished.  One by one, the buildings were opened, cleaned, and made ready for visits by our guests.  By Thursday, the majority of the buildings were ready for the opening day which is next Saturday of the Memorial Day weekend.  It will be fun to see the folks enjoying the place.