Monday, February 18, 2013

Two Weeks in Arizona

Today we jump in the Prius and drive to Arizona for two weeks.  It is part vacation, part medical ( dental) for you see we are going to go Mexico for our dental work.  Algodones is right on the border of Arizona and caters to Americans who don't have insurance and need dental work, prescriptions, or glasses.  We have never been there, but have talked to many people who have.  Both of us need to have two crowns made so the savings over using our Eugene dentist is several thousand dollars.  Well worth the trip.  Our appoinment is for Friday Feb, 22nd when we get our teeth prepped and the next day, Saturday, the 23rd, we will get our crowns.  I am really loooking forward to not having to chew and just the left side of my mouth.   To top it off, yesterday I broke a tooth on the right side, so I really have to be careful for a few days.  I am not happy about another tooth breaking, but the timing is just right.  I will give you a report on Algodones and how it went.

  The second week of our trip will be spent visiting friends in the Phoenix area.  That will be fun.

  We are not taking the laptop to Arizona, so this is the last report for two weeks.  See yo when we get back.

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