Thursday, February 7, 2013

I Watched my Heart

Today was the day for two Ultrasounds.  Riverbend Hospital has a Heart and Vascular wing and that was my destination. 

   First the Heart test.  I watched my heart beat.  I watched my valves open and close, open and close.  I watched it move rhythmically to it's own beat.  I listened to the sound of that the ultrasound broadcasted in the room.  It was humbling and fastinating.  I asked many questions and learned a great deal, but will only remember a fraction of the info. 

 Another room, another ultrasound, this one of the arteries of the neck.  Again, I watched the screen.  I asked lots of questions.  I learned a great deal.  The Tech was looking for plaque.  Plaque is the bad guy.  It forms up on the walls of the arteries and inhibits blood flow.  What are the causes of plaque?  Life style choices;  excercise, diet, smoking.  Add that to any family history and trouble is around the corner.  Smoking is the worst!   Don't do it!  

   Test results hopefully soon.

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