Monday, January 21, 2013


Last Thursday I finally had my EEG.  I was told it was to be a "Sleep Inhibited" test so I was to get half of my normal sleep the night before the test and to not have any caffeine prior either.  Here is the story.  Here is what I wrote the nest day when I sent an email to my sons.

My procedure went well.  Stayed up til 2am and set alarm for 0600.  Appointment was at 0830, but arrived half hour early.  24 stick-on electrodes on my head, including one near each eye, and one clipped to each ear.  25th electrode stuck on my chest near my heart.
Then the lights went out.  "Relax and go to sleep."

   Any night I can go to sleep within 2 minutes, but lying in that strange bed, fully clothed, with 25 electrodes attached to me, it was so easy to go to sleep.  I made myusalf relax.  I tired to think about quiet things; the ocean, the desert, etc.
   Finally, I turned on my side and a short time later the tech told me to wake up so evidently I had drifted off.
   With the lights back on, she asked to roll back over on my back and then asked me several questions like what day is it, and who is the President, etc.  I got them all correct.
  The last part of the test involved a strobe light flashing in front of my closed eyes.  Different frequencies of flashing producing different frequency brain waves.
   Then I was done and we were home by 10am.

  In the afternoon, relaxing on the couch with a movie on the TV, I slept like a baby.

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