Thursday, May 24, 2012

Tallac is Ready

Wednesday Night 8:30 pm

  R is asleep already.  We work hard at this job and after four days we are ready for a few days off.  There is a great deal of work needed to get this place ready for our visitors.  The facility opens Memorial Day week-end, Saturday being the first day.  All the buildings have been cleaned and the furniture and accessories have been placed in the rooms.

  When the site is open, the inside doors are open but the screen door is secured so that visitors can look inside.  Tours are conducted of the inside of the Pope house daily.  During the year there are other tours offered as well.  Tallac is fun place to visit for everyone.

Valley of Fire 5.9.12

Valley of Fire,   8pm  Wed 5/09/12

   The sun is down, Venus is up and it is starting to get dark.  I am out at the picnic table behind the trailer typing this.  It is taking longer because I can not see the keys so I miss a few and have to go back often.

    The day was very warm (92 or 93), without a cloud.  A lazy day.  We were late getting in here last night and after showers and a late supper, we were ready for bed.  While R got the meal prepared, I installed the new bladder for the Sleep Comfort/Sleep Number mattress and remade the bed.  It was good to have it back together again.  I had rolled up the foam bed topper and put it in the spot where the air-less bladder occupied.   The idea worked reasonably well, but having everything as it should be was even better.  So, with a full tummy, clean body, and a comfortable bed, all was well with the world.  ZZZZZZ

    As I was saying, after my early walk with the girls, we lounged in bed, ate toast, and watched a movie.  It was a tape of a PBS mystery movie, “Coyote Waits” a very close adaptation of a Tony Hillerman novel of the same name.  I have read a great many of his books and love the feeling of the West and the Navajo people that they feature. 

    Finally, we felt guilty and climbed in the truck for a ride around.  We drove to the other campground nearby called Arch Rock Campground.  It is designed for smaller rigs and has no hook ups, but the sites are wonderful !!  Nestled between rock formations in small canyons and niches, they made me wish for a small rig so that I could camp there.   If you are in the area, check out Valley of Fire and spend a few days in the campground.  The rocks beg to be explored by foot.  The roads thru the area lead to lots of cool areas.
   Tomorrow we leave and head west.  We will again journey along the Extra Terrestrial Highway on our way from Ash Junction and Tonapah.  We made it last time so I am fairly confident that we not be abducted.  I may stop at the Aili Inn this time when we travel thru Rachel.   The plan is to fuel up in Tonopah and then on to Whiskey Flats RV park in Hawthorne.  South Lake Tahoe is a half day from there

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


We are here.  A beautiful area.  We are working hard getting the site prepared for Memorial Week-end.  Lots of work by some nice, friendly dedicated folks. 

   I finally got my cell phone wifi working so I can blog regularly now, so more later.


Valley of the Sun

Valley of the Sun State Park near Overton, NV. 

   A must see place 50 mile northeast of Vegas.  Just off I -15.  Well worth the drive.  Great scenery and terrific campground.   The girls loved the walks and the ground squirrels. And, after a week of cool weather at Williams, it was warm again.  Sunny and in the 90's during the day so I got to wear shorts again. 
   After two nights, we headed west.  Again we braved the Extra Terrestial Highway ( 150 miles of no services) until Tonopah.  While fueling up in Tonopah, R noticed liquid dripping out from under the truck.  Anti-freeze!  Not good!
   Found a shop nearby and determined that the leak was from the water pump.  There was a casino a block away so we pulled the trailer to the RV spots behind it and paid for two nights.  The next morning, Friday, I was at the shop at 7:30.  The replacement pump was in Bishop, Ca 110 miles away, so I figured we would be lucky to leave by midday on Saturday.  
   My phone rang at 1pm saying the truck was done!  I was happy.  I can't believe how fortunate we have been.  With the tire not bowoing out, and the water pump not failing in the middle of nowhere.  Surely, we are being watched over.   Thank you, Lord.

After ORPI

One day from ORPI to Williams, AZ  300 miles, elevation gain of 5500 feet.  Complete change of climate ( Sonoran Desert to High Pine Forest).  The actual trip was uneventful - luckily.  It could have been otherwise.  We stayed in the national forest just south of Williams, boondocking it's called, and when we were setting up I noticed one of the tires on the trailer had lost about 2 inches of tread all the way around.  We were fortunate that the tire did not blow out on the road.  It ususally causes damage to the undercarrage and fender wells of the trailer when it happens.
   The next day I removed the wheel and took it to Discount Tire in Flagstaff for a replacement.  It was only two years old.  That is the last Les Schwab tire I put on my vehicles. 
   I also had a flat on my side of our Sleep Comfort.  Changing altitudes causes problems with air mattresses.  A leak, not fixable, causing a phone call to SC and a new bladder shipped UPS.  I will be more careful nest time and lower my mattress pressure when I travel over mountains.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Last night at ORPI

The rig is almost ready to go.  Just a few things to do and we can hit the road.  Of course we have to stop by the visitor center on the way out to say goodbye.  I hate saying that.  It will be "See ya later."

  I guess I can stow away my shorts again for a while.  The lows are in the 30's at Tahoe right now.