Sunday, September 4, 2011


Should I move?  My boys think that it is time for us to move to the Portland area.   We are comfortable in our home in Eugene, but our kids think we would be closer to our grandkids and a lot of our old friends if we moved up to the big city.  There are many advantages and disadvantages to moving. 
   We like Eugene.  It has all the needed things; shopping, hospitals, a swimming/excercise facilities.  Our home is paid for.  So why would we want to move?  To be closer to friends and family?  There are several old friends who live in the Porltand area.  It wohld be fun to be more frequent visitors with them. 
Living in the Portland area would put us closer to our grandchildren which is good.  However, they have their own lives and finding time for us seems to be difficult.  We have been here in Portland for more than two months and they have yet come to see where we are parked. 
  In the old days families used to call to talk, to tell one another about their day.  They used to call when they got home from vacation, or from a trip, to share experiences.  Or they would call just to say "Hi".
  Now you have to look at their blogs or facebook pages to find out what is going on in their lives.  I guess that is the new society.  I kinda liked the old one.

  So should we move?  We have to think about what WE want to do and what is best for US and not listen to others.

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