Monday, September 5, 2011

Back to Goldendale

Thursday we drove up the Columbia Gorge.  We drove past Multnomah Falls, past Hood River, saw smoke rising as we approached The Dalles, drove through the smoke as we got close to TheDalles.  As we exited I-84 to visit the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center, we noticed that the west-bound Interstate was closed, to allow fire fighting equipment more room to fight the grass fire that was right next to the highway. 
   The museum was very interesting, well worth the $7 admission fee.  ($6 for seniors)  The is a theater showing several videos on the history and ecology of the area.  Three separate areas highlight different themes.  As we entered we stopped to enjoy a rapter program conducted by a volunteer.  I learned many new things about the great horned owl and red-tailed hawk.
  After several hours we left the museum and noticed that the smoke was gone, but the west bound traffic was still being routed on Hwy 30, backing traffic up several miles because of the bottle neck.  We drove on east and then turned north on Hwy 97, crossing the Columbia River and up the hill through the fields of wind generator towers.  It is impossible to know, but I swear there are more now than last year.  The area looks the same, the town of Goldendale looks the same.  We checked into our motel, grabbed a short nap before driving downtown to "The Luau" for some terriaki chicken.  Yumm.
  Following a short drive around town, before going up the hill to the observatory.  At the observatory gate we were exposed to the new Washington State Park user fee.  There now is a $10 fee to visit Washington State Parks.  Oregon's fee is $5.  
   Steve, the park's only employee, was surprised to see us, but we got a big smile from him anyway.
After everyone at the gate was checked in, we were allowed into the parking are and the program began.  Actually a few minutes after we all sat down in the auditorium, we found out that the ISS, the International Space Station, was passing over soon and so we went back outside to view it.  It showed up, as promised, right where it was supposed to be.  After the passage, it was back inside for the program.  Steve did introduce us as past volunteers to the rest of the group.  After the Power Point program we ajourned to the telescope room for the evening viewing.   Things haven't changed there.  The asrrangement that I put up in the display case is as it weas when we left.  It was fun being a tourist for a change.  

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