Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Marshall Center

   R and I found a place to resume our water aerobics while we are here in Vancouver.  It is part of the city park system so it is reasonably priced.  They have breaks for couples and seniors so we benefited two ways when we purchased our 90 day passes.  Another great thing about the pool is that it is about a mile from our trailer.  Our first session was this morning.  I am going by myself tomorrow because R has a hair appointment.  I think I will stop at the barbershop myself on the way home from the pool.
   After lunch we are going to test drive a used Mini.  I have been checking them out since I sold the Porsche so it time that Randa drives one to see how she likes it.
  It is also first Thursday which means that the Vancouver Historic Museum is free and open from 5pm  to 9 pm.  We plan to check that out also.  I will keep you informed on both items.

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