Thursday, March 10, 2011

Evening Programs

Evening program, another look

It’s Tuesday night and I am very close to finishing my evening program. Fifty four pictures are in my Power Point program on the Desert Tortoise. I started out to make just an informational program but I got in the night and came up with an idea. I now am comparing a desert tortoise to a desert RV. I guess you could say that my program is part information and part fun. I have found some fun pictures on the Web that make me smile when I look at them and have added them to the show. It should be fun to “tell the story.”

The story goes like this: I am thinking about replacing my RV and in searching the Web and checking out lots of pages, I come to the conclusion that the desert tortoise has all the desirable features that I want in a desert RV. The features that I compare are;

Hard Top - both have one

Traction - big tires, // sturdy legs with claws

Fuel - diesel fuel, // biodegradable fuels of flowers and cactus fruit

Storage of unit - RV garage // dens under the ground or in cliffs and under rocks

Manufacturing - Large factories /// the reproduction process of the tortoise – after copulation the female lays 4-8 eggs which hatch after 90-120 days. The eggs are food of various animals and the young are vulnerable for at least 5 years.

Longevity - see above dangers are from badgers, coyotes, foxes, snakes, gila monsters, various birds such as eagles, road runners, and ravens. Only 1 % of eggs laid result in mature adult tortoises.

That’s basically it, with pictures and a Minnesota story. Ask me about a Minnesota story if you are not sure what that is. It’s another story.

I give my first program Friday night.

R’s first program was last Sunday night. She did very well. With the time she spent in preparation there was no doubt. There were a few things she will do differently next time but now she has been initiated.

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