Thursday, March 3, 2011

Evening Programs

Evening programs are part of our fun here at ORPI. R was scheduled to give hers last Sunday night, but because of technical difficulties her Power Point program would not load, so the ranger who was the assistant, stepped in and his program loaded OK so the campers received a program on Geology instead of one on the columnar cacti of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument entitled “ Bats in Our Blossoms”. We have reloaded her PP program on the jump drive and so she is primed and ready for next Sunday night March 6th.

My program is about 90% finished. I had it pretty much worked out and then I got a brain storm in the middle of the night. I decided to make it less of an informational program and have some fun with it. I am making a comparison of the Desert Tortoise and an all terrain RV. I already had some great pics of the tortoise so all I needed was to search the web for some pics that showed different RVs and their equipment. It should be fun getting it finished and putting it on. I am scheduled for Friday night March 11, 2011. I will let you know how things go.

Learning Power Point has been interesting. It is a great program and is pretty easy once you figure things out. Of course it has more capabilities than I will ever learn but it is still fun to play with. I just hope that it works. Until I see it on the screen at the amphitheater, I will be apprehensive. Right now, I am stuck trying to load a video into my evening program. I need Ranger K to help me and he is not available until Monday afternoon after we get back from Quitobaquito. I hope I can get into my program because it is shows a baby desert tortoise hatching from an egg. It should be a show-stopper.

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