Friday, August 22, 2008

Today dawned clear and cool. (This picture was taken yesterday. ) It was been several days of scattered clouds, wind, and cool temperatures ( 60's and 70's) with even cooler nights. I heard it was in the 30's in Burns last night ( Thursday night). But today it has started to warm up to the mid-80's today and tomorrow and maybe the 90's by Sunday when we go back to work. The cooler weather lessened the misquitoes so we will see if the warmer weather will bring them back. They haven't been too bad except some evenings. We discovered that Peaches has been developing some allergic reaction to the bites. Last week she started fussing and scratching and her face swelled up. She was miserable until R split up an anti-histamene tablet and gave it to her. She settled down and went right to sleep.
Wednesday night we organized a potluck supper with the refuge volunteers that live in our rv area. One person stays in the house that the refuge provides for non-RV people. It has a living area with kitchen and 3 bedrooms for people to use. These rooms can be used for visitors if anyone wished to see the desert. There were a total of 10 at supper and lots of talking and lots of food. I hope we can do it again because everyone is from different parts of the country and have unique experiances.
Thursday we drove to Burns to get groceries. We took our bikes and rode around town checking out some of the residential areas. There is a small bicycle shop in town so we stopped by and they raised R's handlebars a few inches so that she does not have to bend over so far when she rides. We are so happy to be riding together again. Had lunch at a deli on Main street. Don and his wife had moved to Burns in 1947 so just he knows everybody. He shared some history of the area with us.
Today we did some domestic chores and then drove over to the Double O ranch area of the refuge. Totally different area with different birds types to observe. We will go back over when the sub-station manager is on duty. On the way we passed what is left of the town of Narrows. It was a pretty big town at one time but flooding did it in. All that is left is what remains of the dancehall and a stone building in the distance.
It is hunting season around here right now. Antelope is what folks are looking for. R & I have been on our own hunt. So far we have bagged two mice that decided to live in our storage area under the trailer. I have set the trap again to see if any more are hiding there. Last night a great horned owl flew directly over my head as I was wiping off the gas grill. It is a juvenile that is not happy that the parents have started to wean it from the free food service they provided. It was quite a sight.

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