Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Steens

Wednesday was an exploration day for us. We headed south from the Headquarters down 205 through Frenchglen and turned onto a gravel road that marked the south end to the Steens Mountain Loop road. After traveling about twenty miles east on a nice but dusty road, we reached a turn-off for the Riddle Brothers Ranch. The road is goes north for 2 miles to a gate which is open Thursday thru Sunday. However, as we were reading the information signs at the parking area, the BLM archealogist, Scott drove up. I introduced myself and had a chat with him and he volunteered to let us come in a look around. I followed him through and shut and "sort of " locked the gate and drove the 1.2 mile into the ranch site. The road is ROUGH. It is not a road for a family car and would be inpassible in the rain because of the rocks and dirt (that would become mud ) in wet conditions. Anyway, we made it and walked around the place. There were three Riddle brothers ( relatives of the people that Riddle, Or is named for) the moved into this area in the early 1900's. The big cabin was occupied until the 50's or so. We met the caretakers who have been there for two months and are being replaced with a new couple at the end of Aug.
If you are interested in the job, there's no running water,(they go a mile to get fresh water and to take a shower), no electricity (propane only), and it's 2 1/2 hours to drive to Burns for groceries. But the area is beautiful; in a valley with the Little Blitzen River running alongside the cabin and absolutely nobody around for miles! It perfect for the latent hermit in you.

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